Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Travelling to Chicago

I am writing this blog on a Friday afternoon on my Mac while sitting in the “motor coach”, as the bus driver told us to call it. We just left from Notre Dame with the first men’s soccer team and we are off to Chicago were we will be playing a soccer match tomorrow against Illinois Tech University.
The ride to Chicago will be about 6 hours and this isn’t the first time we’re going to Chicago. Two weekends ago we went to Chicago as well and it was a bit of a disaster. We traveled for 7 hours to there and when we came there it was about 1 am in the night. Although we saw the skyline of Chicago in the evening as we drove by it, the hotel where we stayed at was 20 minutes away from the city. This was unfortunate as we hadn’t time to see the city of Chicago where I heard so much positive stories about.
Furthermore we lost the weather was misery all 2 days long and we lost are first match of the season which leaded to a movement from place number 11 to number 24 on the national NAIA-ranking. The next day the weather was so bad that we had to go back in order to play our second match of the tournament on the road. Happily we won this match which a smashing 5-1 as we had to make up the disgraceful 1-0 loss the day before. Also I did not played at all because of an light injury and the competitive teammates which are really good players. So it was a bit disappointing as I traveled 14 hours for it. The only though the atmosphere in the bus was really good.

This week I heard that we are going to Chicago again and I was really happy when I heard that we are staying in a beautiful Hotel next to the lake downtown Chicago. Also we’re getting some free time in the evening and in the morning to walk around in the city. I am happy with this because I love it to explore the world. I have already seen much country’s in the world like: South-Africa, Egypt, Swaziland, Sri Lanka Costa Rica, Nicaragua, America, Turkey, Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Suisse, England, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Belgium etcetera and I will always like to explore more big cities, cultures and country’s.

So we are two hours on the road now and I have two seats for my own, which makes it really attractive to take a nap. Therefore I will now finish my blog about traveling to Chicago, exciting to see Chicago and win our conference match tomorrow.

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